7 Management Lessons You Must Learn From Sachin Tendulkar



SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR. THE GOD OF CRICKET needs no introduction. widely acknowledged as one of the greatest batsmen of all time, popularly holding the title “God of Cricket” among his fans.

The best motivater for one and all! We can learn a lot from SRT:

1. Do what you like doing:

According to Sachin, this was the motivation for perfection. You can give your finest toward impressive which you like the most. For 32 long years he has been passionate about one thing and that is to play for his country. If you can instill even 1% of the passion he possesses in your work you would be a superstar at your workplace.

Be passionate and proud about your input nevertheless little it might be. ‘Sachin’s passion was what set him apart from the rest. When one is passionate about one’s game, hard work becomes fun, and those long hours at the nets seem interesting and challenging rather than routine and monotonous. This passion helped Sachin tighten his technique and gave him the temperament to manage his innings well.’

2. Impossible is nothing:

This is what we learn from Sachin’s 100 centuries. awaiting he achieve this, everybody thought it to be an impossible mission. There is nothing called impossible, unless we are solidly motivated to achieve it.

3.  Hard Work:

The time Sachin spends at nets on practice sessions has made him more confident and worth the results he gets. in the same way, when we put all our hard work and dedicated hard work in our work or studies, you can be pretty sure of getting good results.

There is no short cut to success. It is just the hard work! Sachin has been playing cricket from the age of 8. Since then he has been the most hard working student of this game. You should put in your 100% everyday irrespective of what results you are getting so that atleast at the end of the day you know you tried your best. That’s what Sachin has taught us all through these years.


4.  Discipline:

Sachin’s discipline is supplementary gorgeous than his straight drive. Being disciplined is a hard thing to be, as it is about control of both body and soul. Without discipline our talent can reach nowhere. The number of records this little master has made is in itself a record but you don’t find even a tinge of arrogance when he walks on the field with the same determination and concentration as if he was playing his first match.

He has taught us that whatever you achieve in life is because of the blessings and sacrifices of a whole lot of people around you, be it your teachers, coaches, family etc. In your career if you are humble your colleagues would appreciate your talent but if you are a prick they would call you names behind your back.

5.  Dedication:

There can be no better example than Sachin to know about dedication. He did not stop his game when his father passed away, he played cricket the very next day too. Only when we are dedicated we can reach our goals. In times of crisis there is only one person the team turns to and that is Sachin Tendulkar. He is a selfless player who puts the team in front of himself.

He has gone on record to say that even if he doesn’t play well but the team goes on to win, he would be the happiest person. He captain India during a leadership crisis, he bowled when India needed a wicket, he fielded stunningly saving valuable runs, he has done it all just to see his team triumph.

6.  Stay focussed:

Sachin has never tried his hands on anything other than cricket. That might be after his success or after a few failures. This quality of his tells us not to lose hope in ourselves. We should decide on what we want to do and should never shift our focus from it. One of the greatest contributions of Sachin to Indian cricket is that he is leaving behind a legacy which everyone wants to emulate.

This legacy would produce great players for years to come. With your actions and deeds over the years you should aim to become a role model for your subordinates so that a culture of excellence sets into your organization. It might take years for you to become one but every step you take should be a step in that direction because that’s the ultimate thing you can leave behind.

7.  Never Give-up:

Sachin faced numerous health issues and also went through a couple of rough patches in life, but that did not stop him from moving forward. We should imbibe this with us, When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going.

Sachin has made a come back when everyone thought he was down and out. He has had his fair share of failures. Injuries and bad form have haunted him. But he never gave up. Today, we don’t remember his failures rather we remember the man who made everyone smile everytime he walked on the field. He never stopped believing himself and worked even harder to bounce back stronger than ever.

– Amey Khedekar

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