Make A Statement With These Amazing Accessories!


sonam statement jewlry

There a some accessories which will never stop you from stealing the show and make you look even more voguish.Here are 6 evergreen statement accessories that are must-haves-haves:-

1) Oversized ring


The oversized ring is a fashion accessory of the smallest proportions that can make the largest statements.  Sport a jewel-toned over sized ring on your middle and index fingers to make an eye-popping statement accessory with any of the hot new maxi skirts for fall.

2) Hoop earrings

statement hoops

Hoop earrings made their mark in history as being a top statement accessory for decades.  Just take a look at the Kardashiansister&rsquos who can be seen wearing them all over town. Hoops look great with hair slicked back into a sleek ponytail and a black button down for the office or with cascading waves and a LBD for a night on the town.

3) Multi-layered bracelets

layered bracelet

Multi-layered bracelets add excitement to any outfit. Available in a variety of colors and sizes, wear multi-layered bracelets for a trend statement while going out on the town with an LBD or with a solid-colored tee and leggings.

4) The watch

statement watch

The watch is the perfect statement accessory that can be worn from the office to cocktails. Choose a sleek style to wear with a tucked in button-down shirt and belted slacks for work and change into jeans for post-work drinks with the girls with a statement on time.

5) Fashion scarf

scarf loose ends

As the weather cools down, the scarf is the perfect statement to anyfall outfit. Grab a printed scarf with pizzazz, such as trendy fall polka dots and pair with a plain white tee and jeans for a perfect fall fashion do.

6) Layered necklace

statement necklace layered

Gone are the simple one-layered necklace and in its place comes the fashion statement accessory of the multi-layer. Wear this accessory with a solid collared shirt at the office with a boat-neck evening dress for dinner, or for the revealing neckline at the beach.


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Riya Lokhande

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