Google Maps Now in Hindi


google maps

A relief for android users who prefer regional languages; Google Maps is now available in Hindi and the feature is available to devices running on Android and on the desktop/PC version of Google Maps. iOS users will still have to search in English.

With the new Google Maps update, users will be able to see names of cities, localities, important roads, as well as popular landmarks such as parks and schools in Hindi.


To view the Hindi names on Google Maps, users will need to enable Hindi as the preferred language on their devices. On the desktop version of the app, users will have to click on the settings wheel at the bottom before changing the language preference to Hindi. Other regional languages include Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam. However, other than Hindi, not all places are displayed in regional languages. Hindi seems to be the only language that goes all over the map.

On Android, users simply need to select the Hindi option within the ‘Language and input’ menu from the phone settings.

The addition of Indian regional languages is the second huge India-centric step that Google has taken. Last month we had reported; the company had announced that its voice assistant Google Now could recognize Indian accents easily.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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