How To: Get The Perfect Eye Shadow Blending!



Blending eyeshadow is a truly an art. If done correctly, it will give you stunning and impeccable results.

1) Firstly, choose the colors. The colors should match up with your outfit, or bring out your eye-color. You should generally choose two colors that don’t contrast, as choosing contrasting colors provides a distraction.

2) Don’t hold down the eye-lashes of one eye so that you can see the eye-lid. Then dip your brush into one tone of eyeshadow and apply it to the lower edge of your eye.

eye shadow blending

3) After that dip your brush into the second color. Apply thickly right above the first color. If you really want to blend them, with your finger, slightly rub your eye-lid.

4) Then do the same for the other eye-lid. Once you are done, if you want to make your eye-brows stand out, then dip your brush into an eyeshadow that matches the color of your skin. Apply this eyeshadow to the area directly below your eye-brows.

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5) You should also check to make sure that you have not applied too much eye-shadow. If you apply too much, sometimes the powder can smudge onto the rest of your face, causing poor looks. You can lightly dab at the excess eye-shadow with a piece of Kleenex.

6) And you are all done with amazing results.But you gotta keep practising at home to learn all of it perfectly.


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Riya Lokhande


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