Why can’t China be the biggest superpower!

The People’s Republic of China is continually talked about to be the next superpower after the USA. Many argue it already is and many say it’s only a little short of being there. But there are still a few who say it cant’t become one!
For the past 4 decades China’s stunning economic growth has dazzled the world for nobody thought it to be possible for such a large economy to gain all this. It was made possible by a booming manufacturing industry, fuelled by a contributing administration. Its military prowess too undertook a considerable change with people touting it to be the most dreaded military, second only to the USA.
But still people say it can’t be a superpower because of some well thought reasons.
Although China’s economy has grown over 8% on average since the past 30 yrs and its per capita income risen nearly 10 times, it still isn’t what it takes to get itself to be called a superpower alongside the US.
Although a manufacturing hub for the world, China is heavily dependent on the machinery needed to produce them. A major chunk of such tech is either imported from the USA or Germany (a major reason for Germany being the second largest exporter in the world). Thus China need to heavily spend on R&D to become a overcome this.
Over Dependency on Manufacturing for Growth
Since the turn of the century, China has been facing a dilemma of rising labor costs and land cost. The wages have increased already above those in India. So many MNCs manufacturing in China have started manufacturing in other countries like Bangladesh, Philippines etc as well.
Malacca Dilemma
At present, China lacks the power to protect its Sea Lanes of Communications (SLOCs). Its heavy usage of the Strait of Malacca and the Lombok Strait are emblematic of this concern since these water passages are controlled and protected by the American Naval Forces. Hence, any attempt on the part of America to block this channels may lead to disruption of resources, especially oil(75% coming from here), to China.
Lack of Entrepreneurial Talent
The growth in China in the past 30 years have been mostly government sponsored. A country, the size of China, doesn’t have as much individual achievers as it should. Thus the government need to reduce the interference and promote budding entrepreneurs like those in the USA
Aging Population
Because of the one child policy, China isn’t adding as many young people as it should. With its avg. population already reaching 36 yrs, there is a high level of risk of an aging and increasing non productive population. If not resorted quickly, it could lead to more dependent adults than working ones.
Thus, although touted to be the world’s next superpower, China still has many hurdles to cross(the above ones to name a few). Thus PRC needs to romp up its efforts and reduce its dependence on foreign tech and manufacturing, boost services and private firms and do away with old norms. Because its never easy to compete with the United States of America!
Saurabh Shah
Mithibai College
Corresponded By,
Disha Chellani

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