How To Blend Your Blush Perfectly!



Want to look like you are turning crimson already.Rather then looking like caking yourself and looking like you are heading to the circus.Yes,if you don’t apply your blush properly,you must panic!Here are a ways and tips on the same :-

1. Choose your blush type.

Powder and gel blushes are good for oily skin; cream is best for normal to dry skin. Whichever type you choose, its shade should match your natural coloring, so try to pick one that reflects your colour when you blush normally

Select a color that will accent your existing best facial features and that won’t stand out too much. Bright red may not look great on a pale person but can be terrific on a bronzed brown skin tone.

If you’re pale, try a soft pink color or maybe even something with a little tan and pink in it.

Depending on your skin tone, you might need a lighter or a darker color. Dark skin needs a lighter color, whereas light skin may need a more natural color such as brown or tan.

It is suggested that to select the right color of blush, make a fist for about ten seconds, and the resulting color on your fingers is the color that you want to match.


2. Purchase some quality blush brushes.

A blush brush is the best choice; never use a small, cheap brush. If you use a cheap brush, you’ll have a cheap looking result. Avoid makeshift items such as cotton wool balls or powder puffs as these do not work well with the pigment in the blush.

3. Provide for a well lit space when adding your blush.

Consider obtaining a lighted makeup mirror which will help emphasize your features and clarify what you are doing. Prepare prior to doing your makeup by washing your face, brushing your teeth, and putting on any foundation, cover-up, and bronzer that you regularly use.



1. Apply blush after you’ve put on the rest of your makeup.

2. Prepare. If you’re using a powder, lightly sweep a medium-sized fluffy brush through the blush and then tap it to remove any excess. If you’re using a cream or gel, dab a little on your ring finger.

Start with just a little blush — it’s easier to add more to your face than to take off too much of it.

3. Do a fish face, and apply the blush. This help you find the apple of your cheeks. Don’t smile, that bring your cheeks up, and can make your blush to low

The apples are the round rises where you naturally flush, as shown where the model’s brush is resting.


4. Apply the blush to the center of the apple on one side of your face, blending the color along your cheekbone. If you’re using a cream or gel, dot the color first, then use your finger or a makeup sponge to blend it in. For the most natural look, always concentrate the color on the apples of your cheeks and blend well. And before blending, always dust off the excess to avoid excessively rosy cheeks.

Make strokes with the brush from your cheeks (towards your nose) to the side of your face (towards your ears). Try not to make diagonal lines, as these won’t appear natural but will risk being clown-like. Excess product can be blended toward the ear from the middle of the eye.


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Riya Lokhande


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