8 #WhyBapujiTargeted Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter

  1. Asaram Bapu Ji has saved thousands from becoming alcoholics. No wonder .
  2. because Asaram Bapu Ji discourages forceful Conversions of Hindus to Christianity!
  3. as Asaram Bapu Ji genuinely criticised the malfunctioning of Congress Govt & they revenged it.
  4. Asaram Bapu Ji openly advice His followers not to use MNCs’ products, be swadeshi! That’s
  5. as Asaram Bapu Ji is saving Hindutva by celebrating Parents Worship Day instead of Valentine’s Day
  6. Western Education System brings Mental Slavery! Asaram Bapu Ji’s Gurukul promotes Vedic education
  7. Social Media erupts in support of Asaram Bapuji. Gives STAGGERING support to Him with trend.
  8. as Asaram Bapu Ji had called out ‘Sonia Madam,Bharat chhodo’ to protect India from foreign control

 By Ravi Agnihotri


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