7 Quotes of ‘Eoin Colfer’


Eoin Colfer is an Irish author of children’s books. He worked as a primary school teacher before he became a full-time writer. He is best known for being the author of the Artemis Fowl series.

 Eoin Colfer

Eoin Colfer Quotes:
1. The thing about reading is that if you are hooked, you’re not going to stop just because one series is over; you’re going to go and find something else.
2. I often meet frustrated young writers who say they’ve only got so far and just can’t finish a book. Even if you don’t happen to use what you’ve worked on that day, it has taught you something and you’ll be amazed when you might come back to it and use it again.
3. When I went to school, I was already reading and writing. In fact, I was offended that the other kids couldn’t.
4. I have always loved ‘Stig of the Dump.’ I think reading that book made me officially realise that I was a reader.
5. I have a lovely office at the back of my house; it’s an old stable and you can see right out to the countryside on one side and into the house on the other side.
6.I do like to read in bed, but because I have two kids I’m often forced to read in the bathroom.
7. “If I win, I’m a prodigy. If I lose, then I’m crazy. That’s the way history is written.”

By Shweta Tiwari

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