8 ‘Israel’ Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter



  1. The world wanted a proportionate response from Israel. Unfortunately Operation Launch 15000 Rockets at Random was rejected.
  2. Twitter has changed how War is reported. Israel didn’t understand that. They thought they could silence Gaza. They cannot silence Gaza
  3. Rockets! The rockets threaten us! *US cancels flights to because of danger from rockets* Tunnels! The tunnels threaten us!
  4. Unlike all those mass murderers, Israel invests tremenduous efforts to limit casualites among its enemies.
  5. Detail missing in calls for UK arms embargo: Israel buys under £10M British arms a year. UK buying a billion quid’s worth Israeli drones
  6. The relationship between Israel & Palestine is that of a rapist and the victim, go ahead and ask a victim to accept & live w/ their rapist.
  7.  The sad truth is many of the world now see Israel as brutal child killers! They have no one to blame but themselves
  8. Israel keeps talking about “human shields” but all I see are humans. Humans being murdered.



By Ravi Agnihotri


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