Durga Puja SMS, Durga Puja Messages, Durga Puja Wishes, Durga Puja Greetings 2014


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Durga Puja SMS, Durga Puja Messages, Durga Puja Wishes, Durga Puja Greetings 2014

1. On this auspicious occasion of Durga Puja, I wish you are blessed with prosperity and success by Maa Durga.HAPPY DURGA PUJA

2. May Maa bless you
With happiness all the year through!
Wishing you a happy durga puja.

3. * Ssshhh!!! Those empty spaces were my silent prayers,
asking Maa Durga to guide &protect YOU always in whatever YOU do &
wherever YOU are!Happy Durga Puja

4. Fortunate is the one
Who has learned to admire,
But not to envy.
Good wishes for a joyous Durga Puja,
With a plenty of peace and prosperity.

5. Symbol of Strength, Motherhood and Love,
Maa Durga
Heartfelt Wishes on this
Durga Pooja.

6. Three people are asking ur mobile no. from me.
I didn’t give ur no. but I gave home address to them.
They are coming at ur home on this Durga Puja.
They are Sukha, Shanti and Samriddhi.
Please welcome them.Happy Durga Puja.

7. Durga Puja is a blessed time. Rejoice in the glories of Maa Durga and celebrate all the blessings of the goddess with your friends, family, acquaintances and loved ones.Best Wishes from me on this Durga Puja.

8. May this Durga puja be as bright as ever.May this Durga Puja brings joy,health and wealth to you.May the festival of lights brighten up you and your near and dear once life.Happy Durga Puja to all of you.

9. On the begining note of this festive season
Wishing you joy and happiness
Enjoy on this Durga Pooja

10. Before the final battle with Ravana,
Lord Rama sought the blessings
of Goddess Durga.
Lord Rama was told,
that he must offer 100 blue lotus flowers
to please the Goddess.
Lord Rama could find only
99 blue Lotus flowers
from all over the world.
HE Offered his blue eye
As a 100th blue lotus flower.
Goddess Durga was impressed.
She showered her choicest blessings on
Lord Rama.
Let us celebrate the spirit of Lord Rama
& seek Goddess Durga’s blessing
during Navratras!
Happy Durga Puja to all of You.


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