Latest Get Well Soon SMS, Text messages, Wishes, Quotes, Greetings


Latest Get Well Soon SMS, text messages, wishes, quotes Latest Get Well Soon SMS, text messages, wishes, quotes1


Get Well Soon SMS:

1. I hope you are feeling better,
I miss you every day.
I am always thinking of you,
So this is what I say,
Get Well Soon!

2. Even though u’re not feeling ur best
With a little time, good care & rest
It won’t be long until the happy day
When u’re feeling fine in every way.

3. May d Little Flower,
Laying In Gloom,
Rise nd Bloom,
Swaying Endlessly,
Thiz Way nd Tht Way,
Morn To Dusk,
Everyday. Get Well Soon!

4. Hope you are up & Splashing Soon.
Get Well Soon!
Hope you
Get Back in the swing of things real soon.
mmm all best wishes for you 🙂

5. Heard that you”re not feeling well. So brought flowers for you to
make you feel Healthier and Happier. Get Well Soon!

6. I very well know the reason,
why u r taking too long to recover,
u r realy being nurse-d there.
joke a part, but still,
wishing u speedy recovery

7. You Mean A lot to me….
and so does your Health and Happiness…..
So Here”s a wish to say….
& Take good care of Yourself !

8. Happiness as light as air.
My wishes 4 You today and everyday.
Get Well Soon.

9. With the warmest of wishes
this just comes to say hope that you’re feeling
much better today.

10. It isn’t always easy,
but when you’re not feeling well…
hope it helps to know others are thinking of you…
and hoping that you’ll be better very soon.
Take good care of yourself.


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