4 Famous ‘Prakash Padukone’ Quotes


Prakash Padukone is a former Indian badminton player from Karnataka. He won the All England Championship and became the first Indian to do so. Prakash was awarded the Padma Shri in 1982.

prakash padukone

1. One needs to plan precisely to be at the peak form during the Olympics. One can’t make the mistake of reaching the peak, a week earlier or a week later.

2. One of the most important qualities required for success at the Olympics is the unflinching confidence in one’s own ability. Only those who are mentally very strong emerge victorious.

3. It’s not easy to win an Olympic medal as the competition at that level is very high. All top ranking sportspersons from different countries vie for medals in various disciplines.

4. I think the only way for us to catch up with the rest of the world is to bring in professionalism in administration. We have all the federations that are run by honorary people who are not paid and it’s a pass time for them.



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