Are You Infected With The Attention Seeking Disease?


Are you all aware that we have different types of behaviors around us? We have rude behavior, friendly behavior, irritating behavior and many more. But there is one more behavior which we all call as ‘attention seeking behavior’.

I am sure 3 out of 10 people share this kind of behavior. Rewind your memories and think about any one person whom you think has an attention seeking behavior. It can be any body, your friend, family or it can be yourself. In fact each one of must have showed an attention seeking period at least once in our life.

But have you really made an attempt to know why we make efforts to seek attention? Why is it so important for us to be noticed? This is the moment to think about it and use my views as your guidelines.

Nobody likes to unnoticed. It gives an awful feeling. The entire day turns bad. But there is one point to be noticed. In this situation the feeling is mutual to everybody but the kind of attention we all need is different. Some people want their loved ones to give attention, some people want each and every person to notice and some people pretend to be unaffected by all this.

If you ask me, I want my friends and family to give importance to me. I love and cherish each and every moment of it. When my friends tag me in their photos, I feel special. When they insist me to join them for parties and trips, I feel blessed. But the moment I don’t get any attention, I feel lost and alone.

I believe it is the same with everybody. Those people who say they are insensitive and are least bothered about all this, are the biggest liars. They just don’t want to hurt themselves. Those people are the ones who get attached the most. Sometimes it even becomes their weakness. Then they tend to pretend that they are unaffected by all this. I can say that it is a way of seeking attention. If you behave differently than others, you automatically gain their attention.

There are lots to share about this kind of behavior. I am actually confused how to put across my thoughts. I am actually short of words to convey my opinion. One of the reasons can be my personal experience. I had an opportunity to meet different types of people who can go to any extent to seek others’ attention. They can back-stab their own friends; make fun of them; try to belittle others. This behavior is just not limited to friend circle but is existing everywhere.

The classic example is a film actor/actresses. They sometimes take a step above to advertise their movie and seek everybody’s attention. Seeking attention also become a profession for many. We call it as advertising agencies, PR agencies. This kind of approach is business. As I had mentioned, we have different types of behaviors. It need not be personal. It can be professional as well.

Having this behavior is not bad but deciding the limit is the most important factor. If you fail to draw a line at the right time, it can lead to serious consequences. Have this attitude with the right approach and at the right place.

– Aishwarya. J

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