KBC 2014 Launch Film Amazing Ad | The Loudspeaker, One Of The Best!


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KBC is back. Promises to bring more than just the family together this season! The nations most eagerly awaited television show goes ‘inclusive’ in this years’s edition. For years, the show and it’s superstar celebrity host have brought together people from diverse regions, cultures, languages and aspirations for its viewers to watch and appreciate. All the while bringing families together in front of the television. KBC has challenged, inspired and helped thousands of Indians to earn knowledge, money and fame. In the most engaging and entertaining fashion. If that’s the legacy of the show, it’s publicity promos break new ground every year and work their own charm with the masses. Engaging them with thought provoking messages crafted and presented with endearing simplicity. KBC Coming soon on Sony Entertainment Television,get ready to be entertained as a viewer and as a nation.

By Bhavika M

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