8 #BanMadrasa Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter



  1. Madarsas are producing terrorists and Rapists. immediately for long lasting peace in this country.
  2. Hindu temples install CCTV for security but mosques and madrassa opposed to CCTV sueveillence WHYYY
  3. BJP VHP Bajrang Dal Sanatan Sanstha HJS All r CRIMINALS for Media! as They work for well being Sick!
  4. Conversion should only be done with consent but when there is a target to achieve, its often forceful and always have been.
  5. Madrasa are basically bulk production factory of terrorists & rapist! Enough of secular education. … !!
  6. If u want to bcos its students involved in some crime then first and all its shakas for their role in terrorism.
  7.   teaches intolerance, hate towards non muslims.
  8. Is Gita taught in Arab?Is Dharma taught in Arab by the Imams?Why Govt is Promoting Madrasah with Taxpayers(majorly Hindus)money


By Ravi Agnihotri


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