8 #WhyMediaIsAntiHindu Tweets, Status Trending On Twitter


anti hindu meia

  1. The media does and can have the audacity to question whatever, whenever. All the pro-Hindus can do is trend .
  2. We’ll cure ur physical, social & economic ills and convert u to Christians!’ Y didn’t TOI come up wid such a headline?
  3. Every media channel should be booked tweets Sec153A of IPC for communal disharmony & hurting the sentiments of Hindus.
  4. Before d name of any Bishop, media prefixes Saint. Why not same respect for Hindu Saints? Why are they called ‘God-men’
  5.  Is it a crime 2 speak against unfair system? Y Media is running defamation campaign against Asaram Bapuji’s devotees?
  6. ?Because for Media, reporting has become a business. They’re paid in grand amounts by foreign corporations.
  7. Black Money, China Encroachments, Price Hike issues r of no value 4 PaidMedia! Asaram Bapuji is their main target!
  8. Media’s Motto:- Live in India Work in India Earn in India Grow in India But Hate Culture of India! Shame!! ?

By Ravi Agnihotri

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