Learning To Love Difficult People!


I do not know how people to do it, but it is very difficult to love and care for a person who is being hard on you. I am saying this because it is my personal experience. I am sure even you guys would have had similar experience. Just remember the person when you read this article. I am sure the feelings will be mutual. I do not have to go outside to look for a person. I can start with my parents.

My parents are too possessive about me. They wish to keep a track of my every minute. That is really sweet but sometimes it does annoys me. Just like a normal parent and daughter relation, we end fighting. Arguing with each other. But at the end of the day, I love them unconditionally. No matter how difficult it is to deal with their possessive nature, I love them.

Do we have the same attitude towards every one? Honestly 90 percent of the people have lost it. Everybody has started taking relationships for granted. The thought of ending the relation has given us an exit from tough relations. Whether it is your parents or friends or special friend. I do not understand why we have started taking this liberty? If you have a problem with your parents, you abandon them.

If you have a problem with your friends, break your friendship. Remove them from your facebook friends list. Block them. When it comes to relationships, break up or divorce. Let me tell you it is easy to create a relationship and achieve somebody’s love, a lot easier to break it but the toughest part is to maintain the relationship selflessly.

If a person truly loves someone, he/she can handle his/her mood swings. But in such relationships, trust is important. We can tolerate their rude behavior until we believe that the person is trustworthy. If by chance the trust breaks, then the patience of tolerating him/her vanishes simultaneously. So people, if you ever come across a person who is ready to sacrifice himself/herself for you but in return expects love care and priority, then do not miss him. Because unconditional love can be bought. You attain it if you are lucky.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you cannot stop yourself from loving a person who is extremely difficult to handle, then be careful. You will be hurt either you stay with that person or not. If you stay you will have to develop immense patience to deal with situation. If you decide to stay, then try to look through the good qualities of the person. Become a dependable person. Try to understand the reason behind his/her behavior. If possible try to solve it but if not, try to make him/her forget the reason.

This is situation where I cannot generalize any of my opinion. This is subjective. It differs from person to person. Sometimes, none of your efforts will work. The person will still be insensitive and rude. All your love and efforts will go for a toss. The end result can be drastic. You can stop believing in this feeling and might no longer feel like falling in love with anybody else. There is also a possibility that you can start viewing everybody with one single perception, forgetting that every person is different. So consequences can be good or bad.

If you feel like taking a chance, be ready for the consequences.

– Aishwarya. J

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