11 Lovely #SchoolMemories Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages



  1. Chitchatting nonstop with your friend sitting next to you and then finally being thrown out of the class #schoolmemories
  2. #SchoolMemories bunking classes to enjoy the rain… have pani puri..aah #nostalgic
  3. Dad tying your shoe laces before going to school.
  4. #SchoolMemories
  5. Eagerly awaiting the PT period 🙂 #SchoolMemories
  6. Sitting in the classroom and wondering who all will die if the fan falls 😛 #SchoolMemories
  7. Beating the notorious ‘G’ division in Kabaddi semifinals while entire class cheered for us! #SchoolMemories #ProudSelf
  8. After a certain age, #SchoolMemories are like Past Life Regression.
  9. Sitting in class just adjacent to her so that i could see her all day. PS: She is married now and have a baby too. #Emo #Schoolmemories
  10. “Taare Zameen Par” is the best ever movie if u are recalling #SchoolMemories
  11. Eating lunch before recess & that too in class-room when teacher was teaching #SchoolMemories



By Amit B



(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

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