5 Quotes About Meaning That Will Frame How You Define Entrepreneurship



Meaning frames the world you live in and reasons why you get up from bed. Meaning is the most important aspect of entrepreneurship. Why are you here? What are you trying to change in the world? etc are some of the questions answered. It shapes the way your business unfolds and your perspective towards everything. 

Make sure you know the meaning behind your actions. Here are 5 quotes that can help you create your own definition of meaning.

Words may show a man’s wit but actions his meaning. 

       — Benjamin Franklin

Even in business, actions are more crucial than ideas. Ideas form a base of business but actions  and execution actually lead the business in the direction it opts to. Finding meaning is not easy, living by those meaning and taking actions are difficult.

We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile. 

      — Earl Nightingale

Author and motivational speaker Nightingale’s quote sums up not only meaning, but also entrepreneurship perfectly. If you love what you do and do what you love then it develops a whole new meaning in you. It will not feel like “work” all the time. 

It is not what we get, but who we become, what we contribute … that gives meaning to our lives.

      –Tony Robbins  

Meaning comes not just from how you work and benefit from your efforts, but in how your work and effort will contribute to your community and others. Money alone is not very inspiring. The inspire to create something new and change the world is relatively important.

Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it.           

     –Stephen Hawking

Meaning is the context through which you frame your world. An empty mind is devil’s workshop hold completely true after this phrase. Working what you love will give you the purpose of life and without that, it’s nothing!

Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it.            

    — Joseph Campbell

That’s a great saying. Life came with nothing as we all know. It’s you who have created meaning of each and everything in our life directly or indirectly. It’s you who create the meaning of experiencing ups and downs in your life. You are alive right now, as an entrepreneur how will you bring meaning to your life and help create and contribute to meaning for others? 

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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