Pro Kabaddi League: U Mumba Finally Defeated After a Great Winning Streak


u mumba bangaluru bulls

Pro Kabaddi League has become popular and has been under a lot of talk, conversations among fans around India. Pro Kabaddi has brought the India’s very own game Kabaddi to the next level and developed it into being the next popular recognized sport. With celebrity owners, huge media coverage, great players from India and Abroad with quality coaching staff and massive amount of fans, Pro Kabaddi has become a success story.

u mumba vs banglore

So the Kabaddi warriors from Mumbai are finally beaten after having a great run of wins and a couple of draws. Mumbai have been running high in this season’s Pro Kabaddi League but it was Banglore’s Bangaluru Bulls who defeated them with a scoreline of Mumbai 30-33 Banglore.

celebration kabaddi

U Mumba who are first in the table with a massive lead faced the Bangluru Bulls who sit second. It was an exciting match with both teams fighting hard for the glory. Both teams had their star players. It was a great game where there was no points flooding easily but a sheer hard work earned you a point. It was a match of two star and the best teams in the league. The first half ended with U Mumba leading Bangluru Bulls by 14-12. The match was tight from the beginning but U Mumba finally lost their concentration with Bulls captain Manjit Chillar playing a great game and being a great leader. Eventually it was Bulls who won the game and ended U Mumba’s great run of games without a defeat.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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