9 Cool ‘Varun Gandhi’ Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



varun gandhi

  1. Varun Gandhi’s ouster is a symbol of the continued vilification of handsome youth in India and we will not tolerate this much longer.
  2.  !!!Amit Shah’s new team: Ram Madhav in, Varun Gandhi out
  3. Varun Gandhi seems to have paid the price for his anti Modi arrogant comments and pre-poll dalliance with Congress
  4. LOL! Varun Gandhi is excluded out of new BJP team by Amit Shah. While Menaka Gandhi was trying to promote him as BJP’s UP CM candidate
  5.  BJP HQ is delhi is abuzz with the lot of activities today.Lot of leaders,media gossips,Amit shah’s new team,varun Gandhi are all in the air
  6. My Guess… Varun Gandhi will be Part of BJP’s UP Team for 2017 … Dont read much into his dropping from General Secretary…
  7.  Varun Gandhi dropped to remind him that he is in the BJP and not the Congress.
  8. Amit Shah has been bold in dropping Varun Gandhi. He badly needed shock treatment and a reality check.
  9.  Varun Gandhi has been dropped. He will need to change his father to change his fortunes within the BJP.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

By Komal Dhumal

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