Happy Krishna Janmashtami Shayari, SMS, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Wordings in Hindi 2014


Happy Krishna Janmashtami Shayari, SMS, Messages, Quotes, Wishes, Greetings, Wordings in  Hindi 2014

krishna jayanti55

Aaj Hai Duniya K Sabse
Bade Aashiq Ka Janamdin,
Is Liye Sabhi Aashiqo Ko
Dil Se
Happy Krisna Janmastami.

Krishna ke kadmo pe kadam badate chalo Ab murli nahi to citi bajate chalo Radha to ghar wale dilayenge hi magar tab tak gopiya patate chalo Happy Gokulashtami 2014.

Jab jab hove dharm ki hani tab tab leve Avtar bhagwan kar deve mardan papiyei ka mukti deve hum prithvi vasiyon ko jai shri krishana Happy Janmashtami.


17 August 2014 is the 5241th Birth Anniversary of Lord Krishna. Krishna Janmashtami is also known as Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami, Ashtami Rohini, Srikrishna Jayanti and Sree Jayanthi.  The Janmashtami tithi (timing) will begin on 5.55 pm on August 17 and it will end on 6.06 on Monday i.e August 18.

Don’t miss to check:

Latest SMS, Wallpapers : Happy Krishna Janmashtami / Krishnashtami / Saatam Aatham / Gokulashtami / Ashtami Rohini / Srikrishna Jayanti / Sree Jayanti / Janmashtami 2014

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  1. Aaj Hai Duniya K Sabse
    Bade Aashiq Ka Janamdin,
    Is Liye Sabhi Aashiqo Ko
    Dil Se
    Happy Krisna Janmastami.

    Krishna ke kadmo pe kadam badate chalo Ab murli nahi to citi bajate chalo Radha to ghar wale dilayenge hi magar tab tak gopiya patate chalo Happy Gokulashtami 2014.

    Jab jab hove dharm ki hani tab tab leve Avtar bhagwan kar deve mardan papiyei ka mukti deve hum prithvi vasiyon ko jai shri krishana Happy Janmashtami.

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