Happy Krishna Janmashtami 2014 English Essay Free Download for School Children


Short essay on Sri Krishna Janmashtami for Kids

 gopalkala dahi handi04
  1. Janmashtami is celebrated as the birthday of Lord Sri Krishna. 
  2. Krishna Janmashtami is also known as  Srikrishna Jayanti, Krishnashtami, Gokulashtami and sometimes simply as Janmashtami.
  3. Janmashtami is one such festival that is celebrated equally in North and South India. Different parts of the country celebrate the festival differently.
  4. The idol of Lord Krishna is placed in a decorated mantapa. 
  5. Snacks and sweets are specially prepared for the festival, and offered to Lord Krishna. Along with it, fruits that are his favorites are also offered. 
  6. In some parts of Karnataka, chakli, avalakki and bellada panaka are prepared especially for the festival.
  7. In the city of Dwarka in Gujarat and the eastern states of Orissa and West Bengal, people celebrate it with fasting and doing puja at midnight. 
  8. The festival is celebrated in the evening as Lord Krishna was born at midnight. Most people observe a strict fast on this day and eat only after the midnight puja.
  9. Eatables made of milk and curd are prepared to make offerings to Lord Krishna. Joyful chanting of Lord’s name takes place in temples.
  10. Krishnashtami brings much joy and feeling of unity.

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Aishwarya Mehta
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