Acknowledgement Sample for BMS Group Projects




A successful project can never be prepared by the singular efforts but I also demand the help and guardianship of some conversant person who under pin actively or passively in the completion of a successful project.

Our project on “NAME” would not have taken the present form in the absence of the invaluable guidance, inspiration and cooperation from many people.

We take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to Prof. Name, College Name  who have given us the opportunity to present this project and continuously monitored us to perform well.

In this context we would like to express our gratitude and thankfulness to Prof. Name for providing us with his advise and support through our project session.

We also express our thanks to  Name, Company Name for providing us with valuable data.

We are deeply indebted to the Director , faculty members of our institute for helping us with their support and guidance that help a lot in successfully  completing this project.

Finally we express our cordial thanks to our parents, friends for their unmatched support, guidance and love throughout the project preparation.


Names of the students (Roll Nos.)


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