Happy Eid-e-Milad Un Nabi 2011!


Milad un Nabi marks the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad . Muslim parents tell stories of the Prophet’s life to their children. Those Muslims who do celebrate this festival do so joyfully.

Large numbers of Muslims do commemorate the birth anniversary of the Holy Prophet, which falls on 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal of the Islamic lunar calendar. This date is important to Muslims because the birth of the Prophet Muhammad is regarded as a great blessing for the whole of humanity. The Prophet Muhammad is deemed to be the chief of all the Prophets sent on earth and it is to him that the Holy Qur’an was revealed.

May Allah this occasion flood your life with happiness
ur heart with love
ur soul with spirtual
ur mind with wisdom
wishing u a very Happy Eid Milad un Nabi

“Duniya ki har Fiza mein Ujala RASOOL ka,
Ye saari kainaat hai Sadqa RASOOL ka;

Khushbu-e-Gulab hai Pasina RASOOL ka,
Aap ko bhi ho Mubarak Mahina RASOOL ka”

EID-e-MILAD-UN-NABI Mubarak Ho!! 🙂

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