Make Your Mornings Wildly Productive By these 7 Steps



We all are privileged for experiencing a new day. It completely depends on how well you handle your morning so that the whole day goes in a sync. Every morning is a new start. People start their mornings by going to a walk or jog, meditating and many things can be added in that list. However these steps can significantly increase your productivity right from when you open your eyes.

1)  Manage your energy and not your time.

time-management course

Stay calm and think. If you think in a peaceful and productive way you will finally come to a conclusion that you are better in doing some quality tasks. Give a proper structure to your thinking and managing your energy will prove to be more beneficial right from morning. Productivity will increase if you keep up the necessary energy throughout the day.

2) Prepare the night before.

be prearped

Make a habit of preparing  to-do list the night before you sleep. This not helps you analyse your time segregation but also gives you a clear view of activities and tasks done in a day. Prepare a night before so that you can start the next day with full energy and positivity, which contributes to your productivity.

3) Don’t open e-mail till noon.

Mails are a often distraction to whatever you are doing. They take your time away from the task. Check it only if there is something really important to be communicated to investors, team members, etc. 

4) Turn off your phone and leave it in another room.


As we all seem to be very addictive to Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter etc it’s better if we keep it in another room or somewhere out of sight. This simple strategy eliminates the likelihood of slipping into half–work where you waste time dividing your attention among meaningless tasks.

5)  Work in a cool place.


It feels pathetic and sluggish working in a hot room. Work in a place which is cool and you will be able to work properly and productively.

6) Sit up or stand up.


Most of the people sit hunched while staring at the computer screen. Your mind requires oxygen as much as your body does. Your lungs need to be able to expand and contract to fill your body with oxygen. Taking a small break can prove to be productive as it freshens up your mind. 

7) Develop a ‘pre-game routine’ 


‘Pre-game routine’ means starting off your morning with something that you would like to do everyday. My morning starts with drinking 2 glass of water. Some start off by meditation for 10 mins. This tiny routine signals to your brain that it’s time to get into work mode or exercise mode or whatever mode you need to be in to accomplish your task. 

Most of the unproductive work or tasks are due to slow and less motivational intentions of the people. There is no room for denial as to how morning is an indicator of the approach of your entire day. Make the best of the day, and probably your life by being productive right from the morning.

 -Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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