14 Amazing Hilarious ‘Web Designing’ Jokes, Trolls, Memes For Facebook, WhatsApp


Yes, logo design seems to be the sinkhole of web design. Dorks in offices having a meeting:

“We need a logo.”
“What’s our budget for that?”
“Maybe a hundred bucks if I can talk finance into forking it over.”
“I know this guy who’s a designer. I bet he can dash this off in an hour.”
“Yeah, call him, it should be quick. We’ll get him in here for our first 5 meetings on this topic.”
“I think Beulah in HR took a webpage class once. I’ll get her in on the design.”
“Oh yeah, she made our company website one day with Front Page about 8 years ago. The site seems to blink when you look at it. Come to think of it, the email address on there is for a guy who’s been dead for a couple years. Can you get email after you’re dead?”
“What should the logo look like?”
“I don’t know. But if we have enough meetings, maybe somebody will think of something.”
“Should we make it look like our company sign on the front door?”
“Oh, yeah, let’s do that. But it has to be edgy, and pop more.”

02 03 05 07 10 11 12 15 didnt-get-arrays low-profile profanity sql-join table-layout

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