Indian Companies That Made Their Way In Forbes List of Most Innovative Companies


The annual ‘World’s 100 Most Innovative Companies’ list was released on 20th August, 2014 by Forbes. Out of which 5 Indian companies made their way in the list. The list was based on companies that investors think are likely to generate big and new growth ideas. 

While California- based cloud computing company Salesforce bagged the first place for the fourth year in a row. With a market cap of $ 35.87 billion, Salesforce had an innovation premium of 75.9%.  Indian companies in the list were:

Hindustan Unilever (14)


 Hindustan Unilever, a consumer goods Mumbai-based company recorded an innovation premium of 54.7% . 

Tata Consultancy Services (57)


The major IT service company TCS’s recorded an innovation premium of 39.58%. The company had a market capital of $71.25 billion as of May 2014.

Larsen & Turbo (58)


The infrastructure company spotted the 58th spot with an innovation premium of  39.4% and a market capital of $ 19.81 billion. 

Sun Pharma (65)


The pharma company, with a market capital of $19.88 billion recorded it’s innovation premium of 38.34%

Bajaj Auto (96)


Bajaj Auto’s innovation premium reached 31.73%. It registered a market capital of $10 billion.

You might be wondering as to what is innovation premium. Breaking your curiosity, As per Forbes, it is  a measure of how much investors have bid up the stock price of a company above the value of its existing business based on expectations of future.

-Vatsal Doshi

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