10 Cool Superb #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter


salman khan

  1. People who are tweeting #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive,has definitely not seen Hrithik in Dhoom2 & in #BangBang trailer..!!
  2. #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive India is a disgusting country. They r ignoring that Salman Khan ‘s papers r lost. Stupid MOFO fans r ok with it
  3. I wonder how many of those who are trending #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive have met all the Sexiest men in the world?
  4. #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive
  5. Why, I joined tweeter- Just to tweet ‘Facts’ like this. Salman-Being Human & SRK- Being Gay
  6. He’s 48. His films are often sexist, always pointless. He allegedly shot some deer and ran over a few people. But #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive
  7. Being human n nothing els humanity is enough to believe throughout our life u won’t need any other religion 🙂 #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive
  8. if u r Salman in India u can get away with road killing innocent people n get awarded the title of #salmanthesexiestmanalive
  9. The important files related to #HitAndRun case is gone missing… Well escaped Salman bhai… | #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive
  10. Salman Khan is the number one Superstar of bollywood And Salmaniacs are the number one fanbase #SalmanTheSexiestManAlive


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

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