Should Military Education be made Compulsory?


The world in the modern era is fast resolving itself into rival camps, armed to the teeth with the threatening, complicated abd deadly weapons of destruction. Nearly each and every country looks suspicious at other countries and is afraid of some hostile designs against itself.

Hence, a trained and well equipped army is unavoidable even for a country like India, which proclaims its faith in the Gandhian cult of non-violence. The question arises… Should military education be made compulsory?


Compulsory military education helps make the youth of a country disciplined, dutiful, pqtriotic and physically fit. They know how to obey and how to demand. They play a key role in building up a nation. Yound men, trained in military discipline, become efficient workers in peace time too. But the, military education has cons too.for a discontented people, trained in war, might in the end recoil upon the warmongers or in the military upheavals. Also, nowadays,  war has become a push-button affair. You have just to push a button to destroy a large army. In such conditions, the employment of huge armies cannot be considered a wise affair.


In the times gone by, only a short cousre of drilling and training in the use of elementary weapons was sufficient.  Hence, the NCC training was made compulsory in colleges to built up services for the second line of defence. However, succes in modern warfare depends much more on weapons and skills than on sheer number as was in the past days.  I am opined that the school curriculum should be amended accordingly to include this training from the gross root level.  The training should include basic knowledge of arms, survival during critical situations and escape procedures during disasters. The youth should be given primary knowledge of the natural as well as man-made disasters and the procedures to tackle such situation effectively.

Veteran-Education download

I believe it would be a beneficial way of solving a lot of societies issues, it provides young adults the experience and discipline that they tend to be lacking in this day and age. It would provide people the opportunity to learn trades and/or get money to help pay for collage which is quickly outpacing many families ability to pay. Some big powers, hostile to India, are blatantly aiding and abetting Pakistan. Indian army has to remain in a high state of preparedness. So military training has to be efficiently conducted in India now and a large peacekeeping army is also necessary.

-Tanvi Shah

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Smita Singh


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