10 #URAnanthamurthy Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter




  1. 10 arrested for bursting crackers post UR Ananthamurthy’s death. Freedom of speech? LOL Ullu banaaya
  2. Life’s little ironies: those defending the ‘FoE’ of those bursting crackers at #URAnanthamurthy death have the worst, most illiberal record.
  3. Tens of thousands came to pay their last respects to UR Ananthamurthy in Bangalore today. The size/diversity of the gathering was staggering
  4. UR Ananthamurthy – a humanist and a captivating writer in Kannada who fought against the superstitions of our times.
  5. By pointing at the black spots of the sun, U only make others aware of its light. UR Ananthamurthy bad mouthing Modi did a world of good…
  6. It’s not our samskriti to cheer when someone dies… At least for 24 hours, hold off from posting on UR Ananthamurthy, if you disliked him.
  7. UR Ananthamurthy’s demise is a loss to Kannada literature, says Prime Minister Narendra Modi
  8. Seculars are falling over themselves at trying to exploit UR Ananthamurthy’s death & take potshots at Modi.
  9. What kind of person celebrates the death of a great writer? Beyond sick. #URAnanthamurthy RIP.
  10. So the people who celebrated Gandhi’s death are now celebrating UR Ananthamurthy’s death.


(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.) 

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