Indian Job Market about to expand – Seven tips to be Future Ready


A recent survey from reveals that a sharp rise in the India Job Market is expected by more than 80% of the employers during 2014 -2015 fiscal year. Recent sanctions of the government and many other plans on the board that promise an international level infrastructure in industrial hotspots and eventually exponential increase of jobs in Pune, Bangalore, Noida and New Delhi, etc.

Additionally, a survey done by showed that approx 8.5 lakh job openings are expected in the coming year. These jobs are expected in the healthcare, IT and hospitality sectors.

Presently, there is a fluctuating graph of jobs status in India that gives a rough idea regarding jobs in India.


 Jobs Status in India


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Most head hunters say that the pay scale of majority of managerial level employees could go up when the Job Market revolution takes place. The study reveals that the current number of jobs will increase by around a whopping 55%.


But there is a flip side to it. Yes! Only those who possess exceptional professional talent, excellent understanding of the ever-changing industrial trend and out of the box ideology is going to be the major beneficiaries of this change.

Creation of new jobs like Industrial Transition expert, Expansion expert, etc. that requires all the above stated skills indicates the same.


So, making sure that you are Future Ready is the need of the hour, as the competition and expectations are going to be higher than anyone can ever imagine.



What can be done anyway? Let’s check out.


  1. Resume is the King, Now and Forever!


The days of traditional resumes that talk just about your experience are long gone now. In the future, it will be your contribution levels, new skills acquisitions and out-of-target achievements in all your roles in different organizations that’s going to help you get your dream job, not just experience. But, this is not just it.


Many recruiters appreciate a strong and appealing graphical resume nowadays. Most of the companies that start their recruitment process from an email or a telephonic interview. Recruiters from many such companies say that candidates who have a professionally appealing video resume seems to perform better in face to face interviews than those who don’t have one.


Whether you make it graphical or go ahead for a video resume with confidence, or wish to stick with a Black & White resume, the way you narrate your skills, job descriptions, technical training, etc. play a vital role in deciding if the employer would really like to hear more about you.


Finding Jobs Online

Image Source: Wiki Images

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  1. Interests matter too!


If you have peculiar interests, and I suggest you should have some, just make sure you find time to learn, grow and earn expertise in those interest areas, even if they contrast with your job nature. Many successful interview conversations can start with a question about interests mentioned in the candidate’s resume. The secret lies in surprising the recruiter with interesting facts about such interests, when he digs deep about them thinking that you have mentioned those interests for space’s sake.

Another way to attract the recruiter’s interest is to direct the conversation towards the current big news in the locality that is directly related to the company, industry or job you are applying for.


For instance, for jobs in New Delhi, a conversation about political changes and its effects on relevant industry could always come handy. Analyzing, researching and knowing enough information to discuss about a topic could leave a better impression of you with the employer.


Social Media Source

Source: Wiki Images

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  1. The Secret of being Social

Social networks, more than anything else, can help you know the latest trends in the industry or job you are interested in. If you are looking to know about the new hot skills in your industry and places where you can acquire or sharpen such skills, get yourself connected with people who demand such skills and those who made their luck with those skills.


In simple words, if you want enough information about Jobs in Bangalore, you could follow local recruiters, local news media pages, government body pages and recruiter pages that concern you and your preferred job in Bangalore.


  1. New jobs or newer jobs?

Search for suggestions from industry experts and the jobs that they say could get more concentration in the future. You can always find a list of jobs that may be borne out of ever expanding technology and ever growing client/customer expectations. People who chose jobs that were not in existence a few years ago, like Life coaching, Social Therapy, etc were few and most of them are very successful in their personal and professional life.


The point?

Look for new jobs that experts say that could develop in the near future and with proper planning & enough training; you could create newer jobs for yourself.


  1. Entrepreneurship is the new Employment

Yes! Every day, we read articles about new startups getting millions and millions of funds through crowd sourcing, each having their unique success stories. Instead of searching for a job, you can identify your personal, technical, social and professional skills that can be clubbed together and can lead to the creation of an out of the box business, service or product. Get to know how crowd funding operates and keep a tab on startups that became huge hits, and also on those that failed as well.


While people work on making resumes, engage yourself in making an innovative startup. You have a lot many options to get started, right from training to project analysis and from crowd funding to branding from various resources.



  1. Individual Identity

Your future employers will want to know who you are as an individual apart from being an employee of your previous organization. So, taking responsibility on your online presence and maintaining your individual identity in social and professional networks will be an added advantage for your future job hunt. Pick a username and try to register every account you use with the same username.


If someone Google your username, the result page should only contain links to your social and professional network pages. Saves a lot of background verification time for your employers and builds a strong reputation of your individuality among them as well – two birds caught in one stone, isn’t it?


If you feel like you miss one or two of the above, it’s high time you start researching options. If you think you have it all, even then, you will have to get sharper in those areas, as a lot of competition is in the store for you.


  1. Be active on Job Websites

Job sites like, & so on not only helps you in getting your next dream job, but the new features offered by these websites help professionals to know more about the job market. You can compare salaries in your industry, get advice from experts and even get skills certifications.



Author Bio:

Saurabh Tyagi is a blogger and a professional career author with proven expertise in writing for topics related to jobs, job trends, different job opportunities, various workplace and industry information, tips and strategies for job seekers.


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