7 Tweets, Status on ‘Yogi Adityanath’ trending at Twitter



  1. yogi adityanath is asking questions which everybody of us should have asked much before he is not communal he is asking straightsimple ques
  2. Yogi Adityanath ji shat shat naman and hats off to you for your guts to say against these evil forces of this nation.
  3.  Shaastra & Shastra, Mala & Bhalaa – we are capable of using all as per situation: Yogi Adityanath. Thanks for not being a sugarcoated fraud
  4. Yogi Adityanath has a Master of Science Degree in Mathematics. He cracked IIM Ahmedabad entrance exam. But chose to stay back in Gorakhpur.
  5. More than 400 riots in UP in last 2 years, but not a single riot in Gorakhpur. Yogi Adityanath is guarantee of Security
  6. Watching Yogi Adityanath on .Didn’t realize that the Gorakhnath tradition is a warrior tradition.Gorkhas take their name from it
  7. I have seen thru the ram janmabhoomi movement, urban elite youth never supported it. Shocked to see the support Yogi Adityanath getting.

 (Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.)

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