15 Awesome Hilarious ‘Saif Ali Khan’ Jokes, Tweets, Facebook Status, WhatsApp Messages


saif ali khan

  1. Govt: We’re taking back your Padma Shri. Saif: If u do that, I’m going to make Humshakals 2, 3, 4, 5….Govt: LOL! We were just kidding
  2. 2010: Saif Ali Khan awarded with Padma ShriSaif: Wow! But what did I do?2014: Padma Shri taken back. Saif: Wow! But what did I do?
  3. Saif hits the guy. This was Saif Ali Khan’s first solo hit.
  4. Saif’s mom to Saif after the PunchGate: ‘Tum ne galti Kareena’
  5. So, ‘Padmashree’ Saif Ali Khan gets drunk and hits a senior citizen… He should get ‘Gundashree’ award now…
  6. Saif-Kareena’s mehendi ceremony today. Kareena would be applying it on her hands and Saif on his hair.
  7. ‘X’ married ‘Z’ twice his age, left her and now dates ‘Y’ 1/2 his age What’s the age of ‘X’? Student: Don’t know but ‘X’ = Saif Ali Khan
  8. Saif Ali Khan now has 3 official kids. Sara, Ibrahim & Kareena!
  9. The easiest way to force your enemies to kill themselves, gift them tickets of Humshakals.#Humshakals should’ve been titled #Dumbshakals
  10. BREAKING: Govt has decided to station 2 ambulances outside every multiplex screening.
  11. If you watch #Humshakals, you seriously need to rethink about meaning of your existence.
  12. Modi Government announced Rs 2 Lakhs relief fund for every viewer of Humshakals- Sources.
  13. Different types of disasters:1. Drought. 2. Earthquake. 3. Floods. 4. Terrorist attacks. 5. Humshakals.
  14. Saif didn’t punch anybody. He walked out of the place and his nose clocked someone. That’ll happen.
  15. Saif Ali Khan, no matter how much you try beating people up, you can’t be Salman.
  16. Saif Ali Khan beats up a guy named Iqbal Sharma in Wasabi restaurant in Taj last night who askd ‘Is Kareena ur daughter?”


 (Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed here are postings on social media website. We do not endorse the same.)

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