11 Emmy Host Seth Meyers’ Funniest Jokes Trending on Facebook, Twitter


Emmy Host Seth Meyers Brings the Funny

Check out a few of Meyer’s funniest jokes:

  1. “We’ve got comedies that make you laugh and comedies that make you cry because they were dramas submitted as comedies.”
  2. “Tonight we are all Crazy Eyes.”
  3. “Cable is looking at Netflix the way Justin Bieber is looking at One Direction: Through a cloud of marijuana smoke.”
  4. “Kill off all the main players, because before you know it, you’re paying Sheldon a million dollars an episode.”
  5.  “This year we’re doing the Emmys on a Monday night in August, which if I know anything about television means the Emmys are about to get canceled.”
  6. “Jokes are like nominees: They can’t all be winners.”
  7. “Of course people don’t remember the 1976 Emmys, because they were held on a Monday.”
  8. “The Blacklist was the most DVRed show, Game of Thrones was the most pirated and Duck Dynasty was the most VCRed.”
  9. “With respect to cable and streaming, here’s something you can only get on network television: A whole bunch of commercials.”
  10. “Please welcome two things that can happen to your car’s paint job, Key and Peele!”
  11. “Let’s welcome a woman who starred in Mystic Pizza 25 years ago and then was never heard from again: Julia Roberts!”

(Disclaimer: The information provided here includes information derived from various other websites and we neither endorse nor support the same.)

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