Sometimes It Lasts In Love, But Sometimes It Hurts Instead


Sometimes It Lasts In Love, But Sometimes It Hurts Instead 2

Love is this amazing feeling that you can ever feel. That one thing that you want to live for. That one thing you would die for, that one thing you could do anything for. We all believe in this amazing feeling of love. Most of us fall in love. Some of us are still single, while some want to fall in love. To me love does exist but not all are lucky enough to find love. Some find love some don’t some find it and lose it. Sometimes you do not know the value of love. Not all are blessed and lucky to fall in love.

People fall in love many times. But true love happens just once. I don’t know how far this statement is true. When two people are in-love they end up doing the craziest things together. They become so comfortable with each other that they can’t see others. They try to protect each other and do everything it takes to make the other person smile. People are in love stay in love for years some get married some don’t.

Sometimes It Lasts In Love, But Sometimes It Hurts Instead 1

Once you fall in love even if the person was a flirt you tend to believe that love changes everything, hence that person will change. As years pass by, your love grows deeper and you get closer. All you think about is how he would feel if I do this. You plan for special occasions you do things together. Adventure, picnics and party together. He surprises you with two tickets to your favourite concern. You introduce him to your friends and relatives as the man you love. Your parents meet him everything seems perfect. While you plan on a week-long vacation with him you fall sick and keep the vacation on hold. After so many years of togetherness you finally plan an outing to bond well and get closer and you are dreaming about it already. Suddenly you get a call from your partner saying ‘IT’S OVER.’ You are so stunned you don’t know what has just happened and you say ‘but baby what happened…?’ and he says ‘I no longer feel for you I am breaking up with you. He gives you all sorts of reason saying yes, I am fed up of being with you all these years, I feel so claustrophobic with you I want to be what I was 4 years back before meeting you. My life was simple and better no commitments, no torture, no one to report to about my whereabouts. I am fed-up of answering all your questions on who I am meeting? Where am I going? Who I met today? Why did I add that person on to my Facebook account? I want to date others and be free. I don’t want to be with you, stop coming between my careers. I don’t want you anymore. We path ways from here. All this! Have you ever come across such a thing over a phone call? Breaking up a relationship of nearly 4 years over a phone call? How horrifying would it be for someone to hear that from the man they loved for so many years?

The person who you thought you would probably spend your full life with is telling you that it’s over in just 4 years? What now?

Sometimes It Lasts In Love, But Sometimes It Hurts Instead

He loved you, hurt you, hit you even abused you when you told him ‘I want you to stay’. All he replied was ‘bitch, I don’t want you just get lost’. After him repeatedly being disloyal if this is the treatment that you get, you would probably regret meeting him. Makes you think everything was going so perfect and beautiful. Where did it go wrong? Why didn’t I see this coming? What did I do less? All these questions trigger your mind? You’re crying bitterly and wanting one more chance for it to work. But he has already made up his mind. He has gone far away from you and it happened long back before him even saying it to you. You couldn’t sense its coming or maybe you ignored it. He was never in love only you were. You look back at photos and you realized only you looked happy in the pictures he never was. Is love so bad? That you feel claustrophobic? It’s not you that lacked love it was him. He was a fool to let go off you he may probably never realize what a gem you truly are. But what now? He has found someone hence he has left you. What about you? Will you ever be able to come out of it? Will you ever be able to love? Will you ever be able to trust? Will it be easy to move on?

Now it’s your WAKE UP CALL. All said and done. You’ve got to get up and get your life back on track. You’ve got to cry and finish it off once in for all meditate if you have to and just get your old self back remember sometimes it last In love, but sometimes it hurts instead. Enough of thinking about that someone special now think about yourself. Tips on what to do after it is over.

  1. Cry if you have to but finish it off once and for all. Don’t cry every day. Remember days of crying are over.
  2. Do not listen to sad, depressed songs, sad movies never watch them. Listen to heavy metal, rock bands loud music scream if you may cry but you will feel better and you may automatically stop crying realizing no one cries listening to heavy metal.
  3. Do not isolate yourself. Don’t tell the whole world about your breakup just tell 2-3 pals they could help you get out from it.
  4. Make a list of things you want to do. Things you couldn’t do when you were so called “in love”.
  5. Include outings, eating’s, party or may be movies.
  6. Go on dates I know it’s too early and you’ve just had a breakup, but you don’t need to get into a relationship just go out and meet few people.
  7. Exercise it makes you feels good and makes you healthy.
  8. Pamper yourself- go to the parlour or a spa feel relaxed I am sure you cred a lot and didn’t sleep for days. You got to look perfect.
  9. Don’t get yourself into any emotional talks from other boys or girls. Dress up look great and enjoy the attention.
  10. Avoid drinking and texting your exes completely detach yourself block him if you have to. Let him realize you can do just fine without him/her.



–         Carren Bryne.

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