Capcom announces Resident Evil Revelations 2 Biohazard



Capcom has just announced Resident Evil Revelations 2 during Sony’s pre-TGS 2014 conference.

Due out in Japan in early 2015, its unclear what relation the game will have to the first Revelations title, an enjoyable side-adventure for 3DS that was later ported to PC, PlayStation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360.

The same development team has been working on this follow-up, Capcom stated, although franchise stars Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine will not return as the game’s main characters.

Instead, Revelations 2 will star a fresh set of faces in a new setting.

The survival horror sequel was teased with a quick trailer, although no gameplay was shown. The video we saw showed a young girl wandering through a crowd. Healthy people were shown to be wearing green glowing wristbands, while those that had turned into zombies had red ones.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 will gets its first playable showing at Tokyo Games Show itself in a couple of weeks – we’ll be bringing you hands-on impressions then.1

Today’s confirmation follows an earlier leak which spilled concept art and the game’s Xbox 360 box cover.

It’s unclear what over platforms Revelations 2 will be released for, but we’d put money on PlayStation 3 and PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One all being covered.

Revelations 2 is Capcom’s second Resident Evil project currently in the works.


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