‘Sher Singh Dagar’ Tweets, Status, Photos Trending on Twitter


sher singh dagar1 sher singh dagar2 sher singh dagar3 sher singh dagar4

  1. Sher Singh Dagar is BJP Delhi state Vice President of BJP. Is he acting on his alone? Why is he offering Rs 4 Cr? #BJPExposed
  1. #BJP set to issue show-cause notice to Sher Singh Dagar over #AAP video, say sources: Times Now
  1. BJP MLA Sher Singh Dagar should be sued for offering extra Rs 39999998 to AAP MLA Dinesh Mohania as he worth for only Rs2.
  1. Bjp seems to be disowning Sher Singh Dagar Dagar says, If allegations are against me are proved, am ready to give up public life. #AAP
  1. Bjp leader Sher Singh Dagar says wat do u do wen sumbody comes 2 ur door. Lame excuse. Embarrassing for BJP
  2. Why BJP is disowning Sher Singh Dagar? Just tell Vijay Jolly to paint Dagar’s face with black paint to conceal his identity.



(Disclaimer: The information provided here includes information derived from social media and we neither endorse nor support the same.)

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