Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours



We’re all in search of something. Some are looking for money, some for power, some for beauty and so on. But in the end aren’t we all looking for love? That thing we love more than anything in the world. We spend a lifetime weighing pros and cons of a decision that could set us a step back from getting our love but think not once about others affected by our decisions. We’re selfish beings you and I, lying and scheming for our own personal benefit. Yet rarely do we come across a person willing to admit that these words come from bitter truth. On the odd ocassion that someone does have the courage to admit to have given in to his satanic mind he is deemed a lying idiot.
In the end we’re still looking for that thing we love and so whole heartedly yearn; whether we admit that is a whole different story. We wade through frivolous situations and worry till our plight seems hopeless. We loose confidence in our ability now and then, but never once does our one love and desire vacate our mind. Beyond the realms of our understanding it lies embedded in our figurative heart and scrambled mind. All through life we struggle to find our one love; our calling, yet we choose to ignore that voice screaming at us telling us exactly who we are.
This is the cycle of life really. Because no matter how different we think we are we all go through the same phases, ‘finding ourselves’ being the toughest one. But in the end when all is said and done, when decisions have been made, tears dropped and hearts broken; we have an epiphany. We find ourselves and what we’re looking for. No matter how sooner or later we find our love it still comes as a shock. But then these words said by Shakespeare suddenly make sense. Maybe not in the very literal sense that it was meant for but we finally interpret, understand and accept the phrase ‘Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours,’ in our own special way. For me I found my love and for that I really am grateful.


Shraddha Rao.
Bhavans Andheri.

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