Fire and Ice


When there is love

There is fire

It’s so difficult to resist

The umpteen desire

When there is hate

There is ice

It’s so difficult to desist

The hatred sights

When love meets the eyes

There is magical surprise

When hate meets the eyes

The rage and revenge arise

Why does love ends with ice?

Why does hate turn into fire?

All the emotions, feelings love and care

Are burned into pyre..!!

Why can’t love stand still?

Why does hate arise?

Is it the end of trust, faith?

Believing all the lies?

When hate suppresses

It’s the beginning of ice

And lovers acts as intruders

Behaving just like frozen lives

They act like strangers

Never meeting again…

Taking all through

The never ending pain…

Even if they want to be together

They shall never be

It’s all about fiery ego

And they shall never be free

Fire and ice lies between love and hate

It’s just the matter of fate

When two true lovers meet again…

It often seems now it’s too late

I always have this feeling…

When you love each other

And your love is true

No matter what it will come back to you…!!

Love and hate are two sides of same coin

So as fire and ice

Whatever the situation may be

My love for you would never suffice

And even if it does…

And love for other person reprise…

It would be nothing else

Just a compromise….!!!!

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Well I am a fun loving girl. I like making friends, in free time I like writing poems.,Talking to people. And playing online games. . well also I am very ambitious in life. To me my career is my priority. I always believe everyone has should have at least one reason to live, reason to survive,…to me that is my career


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