Subconscious Speaks!!!


I wander a lot

My mind drains

I try to control

But all in vain

I keep on thinking

Lost in thoughts

I wonder a lot

But all is drought

I Love being away from reality

Admiring the fascination

By going wild

Dwelling my imagination

Sometimes I feel

I lost my mind

But it’s so peaceful

No pain is rewind

I love being this way

I don’t have to cry

Away from all tensions

My emotions wry

Reality is being fried

Full of challenges to fill

Have to face the world

With all your will

I have to be strong

Have to put my best

To fight to be number 1

Leaving all the rest

It’s a mega struggle

And it whacks my brain

It’s too much for me

To handle the pain

I can’t handle it anymore

I am too tired doing all

Somewhere lost in crowd

Beneath the wall

I miss you my best friend

Where are you?

Please help, come to me

I need you…

I wish I could go back to sleep

Where everything is merry

Where I don’t have take tension

Everything is sweet as cherry…!

Yes I am weak

Can’t take anymore

I am tired

Want to walk offshore


I can’t breakdown

Have to collect myself

And move on

Yes I am tired

And I am sad

But what am I doing?

Have I gone mad?

Can’t leave halfway

I won’t be me

I have learnt to face challenges

But I also want to be free!

It’s difficult to express

What I feel

My real pain

Is rather hard to deal

Sometimes I think

I should stop bothering

But will my mind

Block me from worrying ?

It’s a never ending fight

But I have to see who survives

My angel or devil

Who is better I shall derive

I am the biggest enemy of myself

But also the best motivator

I can’t give up like this

I won’t be such a martyr

I love my sleep

But underneath

My blankey

I also weep

I am hurt inside out

I want to move away

But I have to stay

Just can’t run away

Though sleep thoughts imagination

Seems better place to be

But it doesn’t fulfills

My reason to be!

People know me

They know me well

And let me tell you Ms. Inner soul

I am going to escape from this hell

It’s just a phase which will pass by

I‘ll be happy soon

I think I have to wait

For couple of moons

Everything is set

So you shut up

Do your heart beating quietly

And don’t dare interrupt!!

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Well I am a fun loving girl. I like making friends, in free time I like writing poems.,Talking to people. And playing online games. . well also I am very ambitious in life. To me my career is my priority. I always believe everyone has should have at least one reason to live, reason to survive,…to me that is my career


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