Interview with Mr. Kashyap Juthani, Co-founder, Bucketbolt



Passion is the best asset you have. Punctuality is what most managers are respected for. You should always be ready for higher and more critical responsibilities because opportunity might not knock at your door twice.

  • Tell us something about yourself?

We are a bunch of highly motivated and energetic people who have a passion to do things in unusual way.


  • Tell us something about your company? is a web portal which sells school/college textbooks online. We understand the unnecessary time and effort a student has to put in to procure his books for studying. Hence is here in order to alleviate the students and help them utilise their time for more productive activities. We offer discount on fresh books with a buy-back guarantee*. Additionally we offer free shipping.


  • According to you, what is management all about?

Management is about extracting maximum result out of minimal resources. Management means to allocate one’s energies in the right places to reap highest benefits.


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

We believe in bringing out passion from within as the first step towards work. If one is passionate about his work, we believe, and then there are no limits to restrict him/her. And that is exactly the reason we always look forward for Mondays the most.


  • Tell us about the most fun you have had on the job?

The best part of our work is we can conduct meetings at leisure. We assure you there is not a single hour in a 24-hour clock when we haven’t conducted a meeting. The discussions start with what has been jotted down in the schedule book but always end with an argument over a cricket match. We discuss anything and everything. We have never had any track of time once we begin. So yes that would be the most fun thing we do at


  • “Earning more and more” is the motive behind doing BMS? Is it justifiable?

We believe in service as the most important thing. If asked “Why exists?” our answer is straight and simple “We exist because we want to provide the textbooks at the cheapest cost and using a mode that saves the student time and efforts”. But there is no denying that we need to earn out of it to make it better by the day. So yes we do need to “Earn more and more” in order to be better and better with everyday passing.


  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

No. It should be the calibre of each student individually. As long as the student promises us passion, hard work, diligence and loyalty towards the company, the college should be irrelevant.


  • What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

Passion is the best asset you have. Punctuality is what most managers are respected for. You should always be ready for higher and more critical responsibilities because opportunity might not knock at your door twice.


  • If you are hiring a person for a job, what would you look for?

Enthusiasm, passion, diligence, fun-loving, one who has participated in extra-currics more than study, and one who is good at interaction with people.


  • Your feedback for

It is a nice to bring entire community of BMS students together. It also helps in sharing of knowledge resources and ideas

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