Super Study Guide To Help You Crack Elective IAPM With Ease!





If there is one elective that teaches you what to do with your money it is this one alright! IAPM or Investments Analysis and Portfolio Management is all about investing the right way and managing your portfolio better, but the name describes it just well. We all know what investing is all about but do we know what exactly is portfolio management?

A portfolio in the financial terminology is your collection of the investments you make, so you might purchase shares, gold, silver and debentures than all of those combined become your portfolio. Managing this portfolio in a way that your risks are minimized and your profits and gain maximized.

This subject is the only other option over Econometrics and majority of us choose this over Econ because our colleges do not provide us with that option. IAPM is also likely to be your choice if you had taken up SSF in Sem 5 so if that is the case then you are well in touch with finance and related subjects, if you were an SSF student you will have to work harder for this subject.

“The one thing that all BMS alumni agree over IAPM is that; it is not as easy to understand as SSF, you do need to make a lot of efforts. This is not SSF, you will have to join a Coaching Class to get good marks” advises BMS alumni, Smita Rao.

IAPM is a wise choice if you liked SSF or FM or Accountancy because the career options post IAPM are immense in the field of Portfolio Management,” says BMS Topper and Alumni from Kapol college Nimesh Shah.

This shows us that the career opportunities and the need or a coaching class are immense post IAPM, but is it all sums and a break to the theory component? No, answers Nimesh. IAPM has a lot of theory too and you can’t skip the theory because it forms the base of your understanding of the subject.

Smita adds, “It’s not as simple as sums or theory you need to understand the concepts and the jargon of the subject too! Financial terminologies that need to be applied and the concepts of theory which need to be understood require professional teaching so unless you have a really kickass faculty for the subject go straight and get enrolled in a caching class or a private tuition class.”

Did you know: Portfolio Management is also called as Asset Management and Wealth management!


So post IAPM, if I do become an asset manager or a portfolio manager where will I work?

Well, there are asset management firms and companies that will hire you, these companies make an investments for them into securities and people asset management companies because they have a lot of options to invest into which on an individual level they would not have had.

The TOP 10 Indian companies for Portfolio management are as follows (in no specific order of importance):

Return on investment (ROI)

  1. HDFC Mutual Funds
  2. ICICI Asset Mangament Company
  3. Reliance AMC
  4. UTI Asset Management 
  5. Tata Mutual Fund
  6. Franklin Templeton
  7. L&T Finance Limited
  8. SBI Mutual Fund
  9. DSP BlackRock mutual funds
  10. Religare Mutual Fund

Now that you know the Top Employers in this field, make sure you plan well for the future!

But that will not happen unless we actually Study the subject, so what is the Syllabus?


Syllabus is divided into 4 Units as follows:

Unit I : Introduction

Unit II : Time Value of Money

Unit III : Risk & Return

Unit IV : Equity & Debenture Valuation

You can get a complete list of the reference books you can use and the detailed syllabus for this subject HERE!


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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