October 2014 Indian Festivals


Hello everyone!

Do  you know that the month of October is full of festivals? Ya ya, Diwali is the major festival but apart from that the first 15 days of the month October 2014, Indians are going to celebrate 40 festivals (small or big) and here is the list:

  1. Mahalaxmi Pujan
  2. Saraswati Avahan
  3. Shardiya Durga Pujarambha Mahasaptami
  4. Durgashtami
  5. Mahashtami Vrat
  6. Mahanavami Vrat
  7. Saraswati Pujan
  8. Mahatma Gandhi Birth Anniversary
  9. Lal Bahadur Shastri Birth Anniversary
  10. Shardiya Durga Pujarambha
  11. Maha Ashtami
  12. Mahanavami Navrarothapan
  13. Saraswati Balidan
  14. Dassera
  15. Vijaya Dashami
  16. Shardiya Durga Pujarambha
  17. Mahanavami
  18. Pashankusha Smarth Ekadashi
  19. Madhavacharya Jayanti
  20. Yom Kippur – Jew
  21. Bhagwat Ekadashi
  22. Bakri Id
  23. Majorda
  24. Banavalin Feast
  25. Kojagari Purnima
  26. Sharad Purnima
  27. Kojagari Laxmi Puja
  28. Kartik Snana
  29. Navanna Purnima
  30. Ayambil Oil ends – Jain
  31. Valmiki Jayanti
  32. Full Moon
  33. Sukkot – Jew
  34. Karak Chaturthi
  35. Dasharathi Chaturthi
  36. Ganesh Sankashta Chaturthi
  37. Kalashtami
  38. Karashtami
  39. International Blind Day
  40. Khordad


Stay tuned to www.bms.co.in as we will update here soon with the dates, significance and things to share with your loved ones! 🙂

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