Happiness Is ……..


Happiness one word that has many definitions. Happiness could be defined in many ways for different people. It is said that money cannot buy you happiness. Money can only buy you things that make you happy. It cannot buy love, it can buy lust. It can buy things not people. It can buy gifts not feelings and emotions.

A recent video that is going viral is about money and happiness. This video is taken by an actor called Varun. This actor has Rs 10000 in his pocket as he counts it he keeps it back into his pockets and roams the street. He walks into all different places like parks, roads and traffic signal and mostly all the tourist places. Every time he sees a person in need like a man who is handicapped and sells a toy for Rs 10 he goes up to him and asks him do you believe in god? He answers yes I do believe in him.  He again asks do you really believe in god and you have faith in him? He answered yes and Varun gives him a thousand rupee note and says “mujhe bhagwaan ne bheja hai aur bhagwan ne yeh apke liye bheja hai” meaning “god has sent me for you and he told me to give this to you”. The man gets shocked and refuses to take it but he insist in a similar way he keeps doing that for 9 other people and then tears roll down their eyes.

This video that was made has gone viral that shows if 50 more people come with 1000 Rs each then they can make 50 people happy. In this money could buy happiness. A small deed of giving made such a huge difference.  It leaves you happy and contented.  Happiness is different for different people and is expressed in different ways. For the rich happiness is expensive gifts, while or the poor is getting one meal a day. For children it must be a chocolate and for the old it must be spending time with their little grandchildren.

Happiness is what you perceive happiness is what you desire and what makes you smile. Another sign of happiness is tears, tears of joy. When you get something you always wanted you get that happiness in your heart and those tears of joy fall out.  Happiness is the only thing we live for. We all want to be happy. We all want to experience happiness. Happiness doesn’t lie in materialistic things. It lies in you. Happiness lies within you. We often put our happiness into something and some one. We value another person so much that we find happiness in what keeps them happy.

Happiness for a mother:-

Just like our dear mothers, they find happiness in bringing a smile of our faces, in keeping the family happy. Happiness for a mother is seeing her child grow in love and respect and achieve success. For a mother who kept you in her womb she knows you through and through, she knows your weakness and all your strengths. For her keeping her child happy matters a lot and that is what happiness is for her.

Happiness for a wife:-

A wife is said to be your better half, which makes you men the worst half well that’s a joke that people always crack. A wife is one that is your partner right from the time you take a vow at your wedding to your death bed. For a wife happiness is honouring your husband and staying loyal to him is what happiness means to her. Keeping the very essence of marriage is what makes her happy and makes her marriage successful.

Happiness for a toddler:-

For a toddler getting his milk on time and getting his food and nourishment on time is what makes his happy. Toys are the next thing that makes him happy. You give the toddler his toys and have good to go. He doesn’t need anything then. Attention is the 3rd and the most essential thing a toddler needs. Even if he doesn’t ask for it. It does make him happy and smile. He seems so chirpy and cheerful.

Happiness for a teenager or a school going child:-

Happiness for a school going child and a teenager is getting good grades. It makes them believe that they are intelligent and their parents would be so happy. They feel their parents would be proud and so it makes them do well in their academics which are happiness for them. Being obedient and making new friends is happiness. Being their self, enthusiasm and energetic is what keeps them happy.

Happiness for a bachelor or spinster:-

Perks of being a bachelor or a spinster are many. These perks are happiness indeed that they enjoy. After getting married you lose the freedom or there are added responsibilities. Achieving certain heights in their career and their professional life makes them happy. Finding love makes them happy. Dating someone and merely having someone in their life just spending time with their someone special is what happiness is for grown up youth.

Happiness for the priest and nuns:-

Some people stay single all their life and commit their selves only to the almighty lord. They do not fall prey to the worldly pleasures of being married and having a family. For the priest and nuns Jesus or their lord is their family. They do not seek happiness in anything but the lord. They want to seek the lord and he is their happiness and their everything. Happiness for them is god.

Thus for different people happiness is different and at every stage of our life happiness keeps changing. Change is the only thing that remains constant. Happiness could be smallest of the smallest things to depending from person to person. Having friends is the best thing in the world but having the same set of friends throughout your life is happiness and sheer blessings on you.

  • Carren bryne.

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