10 Commandments


Examination of conscience based on the Ten Commandments

  1. I am the lord you’re GOD; you shall have no other gods before me.
  • Anything that does not arise from faith is a sin.

“But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.” (Romans 14:23)

  • Christ shall dwell in your hearts through faith.

“So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love.”

  • Idol worship in the heart :
  • Wealth and money
  • Giving importance to worldly things violates this commandment.
  • Gathering wealth in wrong ways, craving to pile up wealth and gold etc.
  • There are many problems we face as a result of excess wealth.
  • Fame, power, recognition.
  • Seeking worldly recognition rather than being pleasing to God.
  • Work , time
  • Family, friends.
  • Use of liquor, drugs, smoking habits, chewing tobacco, mobile phone, internet etc.

Worshiping statues or other gods is a sin. Astrology, palm reading, going to fortune tellers, wearing magical straps, bands, black magic, considering certain days or times as good or bad.

  1. You shall not use your god’s name in vain.

Making a false, incomplete confession, not revealing sins in confession, ignoring or disrespecting the holy bible, not spending the required amount of time in prayer, not praying to god are all that violates the 2nd commandment.

Hurting the priests by talking bad about them insulting them is a great sin. Insulting the anointed people of god, the priests and nuns are the anointed and appointed people of god. Often we insult them for their ways of dealing with people and the parishners which is wrong.

Being too busy at work or giving more importance to job and thus finding no time to spend for the lord is a new way of people saying that god will understand he knows I am doing hard work.

Promising in the name of god and not fulfilling it.

  1. Keep the Sabbath day holy.

Working too much on Sundays that are meant to be the day of rest and Sabbath.

Giving less or no importance to the Sabbath day is often the mistakes that we commit and do not keep the commandments.

Not observing the Sabbath day. Questioning the word of god, insulting the word of the god, Hating the word of god, and insulting the gifts of the Holy Spirit shows that you do not observe Sabbath. Preventing the word of god from being preached to others because of your own motive is a sin. Hating those who preach the word of god, Forgetting god and Getting tired of god, prayer etc.

  1. Honour your parents.

Honouring your father and your mother is the best discipline that is taught to you. Respecting them and not back answering them is a way of honouring god himself. The lord is watching you disrespecting your parents are disrespecting god himself. Ask for forgiveness and do your duties well as a child.

  1. You shall not kill.

Killing someone or planning to kill someone is a violating the 10 commandments. Abortion is another act of killing the baby in the womb. Speaking bad about others and keeping hatred is also a sign of killing. Killing respect and love and keeping hatred. Killing someone may also mean hurting their sentiments.

  1. You shall not commit adultery. Be pure.

Adultery is a form of lust. Lust is a deadly sin. Fornication and masturbation is a sign of adulteration. Sexually abusing children and relative is committing adultery. Sinning by committing homosexuality among married people and unnatural relationships. Committing rape and sexual relationship after having alcohol. Having sexual relationship with animal is also a sin very rarely seen it happens in the USA. Watching pornography is also a sin.

  1. You shall not steal

Taking bribes is also a sign of stealing. Robbing money and evading tax is a sin. Taking possession of other people property and cheating them is wrong. We used to steal pencils and erasers in our school days, but do we really steal and rob when we grow up. Some people have kleptomania. It is a disorder of picking up stuff and taking it without even realising that it is unethical to do so. While some of us intentionally rob things just because we don’t have them. We tend to cheat the innocent and fail to realise that god is watching.

  1. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour

Speaking ill of others and judging others is a sin and violation of sin. Setting a wrong example for others and covering the offenses done. Also making false documents and judgements. Gossip is Satan and Satan is gossip.  Making false confessions also is a sin.

  1. You shall not covet your neighbours wife

Destroying the family life of others and not keeping the family life sacred. Looking lustfully at women and men especially another’s wife is wrong. Secretly being happy in others pain is also very wrong. Secretly hearing conversations and revolving secrets incomes under these commandments. Once should understand and respect their marriage and not look around women and young girls and lust for them. Often we see so many people especially men they have the tendency of checking out women twice as what women do. This is wrong especially when you are married.

10. You shall not covet your neighbour’s belongings.

If your neighbour has a nice car do not get jealous and eye his belongings. Stay happy and contented in what you have and be happy with everything that you have. Be grateful instead of taking interest in their property. Many a times we look out for other people’s sadness and are happy in the sadness of another. God says don’t be sad rather pray for their wellbeing.

Thus are the 10 commandments that every catholic must follow and should know how they end up sinning even if they don’t want to as these are human emotions and they cannot be easily controlled.


  • Carren bryne.

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