The Emotional Attachment With Your Very First Vehicle


Emotions come in the form of various expressions like love, happiness, anger, hatred and jealousy. Attachment is when you get close to a particular person or a particular object that is very close to your heart. It may resemble the person you love or the person’s last wish or the last thing a person has gifted to you before death. Attachment towards humans and pets is normal. But there is a certain aspect of attachment that people have towards objects like their first ever vehicle. Their first bike or car.

Attachment towards your vehicle is mostly seen in men and rarely in women. You know a man loves his vehicle as much as his wife or girlfriend when he calls his bike “my baby”. Such is the love a man normally shows his bike. Men believe when you don’t have women you always have your bike. Girls come and go but your bike remains with you. Many girls sit on your bike but no one is as special as your bike.

A few signs that show attachment towards vehicle.



  • Washing it every day

Washing your vehicle is like keeping it clean and tidy. Your vehicle reflects the kind of person you are. Just like how you bathe regularly in the similar manner does your vehicle needs a good wash. Some people wash their vehicle early in the morning well I have seen so many boys do that and a few girls do that well I am hinting me here 😉 you have this sense of attachment and care for your vehicle that we take care of it also give it for washing to the common washing guy who shampoos it and put loads of water and cleans it from every part of the corner.

  • Always checking if there are no scratches

One scratch on your vehicle and you get a minor heart attack. A small dent or even a small scratch is the sign that you have miss handled your vehicle the only thing that you love. These machines are similar to human being. One small hurt we are taken to the doctor similarly one small scratch or dent should be immediately shown to the mechanic. It may not be your fault probably the person who parked his car or bike next to yours hasn’t been careful enough or considerate enough towards your bike.

  • Servicing the bike or car on regular intervals.

Servicing is like the ultimate health check-ups for your bike. You check the oil engine, the clutch, gears the breaks and there’s so much more. A brand new car or bike both have some servicing offer you take your bike for servicing every month and maintain it well. There is free servicing so when they providing you servicing that are free why would you not go?

  • Buying different accessories for it

Different cars and bikes have different accessories. Just like how women like to buy accessories for their dress in the similar manner most men are very particular about accessories for their bikes and cars. For instance magwheels, stereo system, headlights, fog lights and tail lights a nice mudguard so on and so forth. Bikes too have a lot to accessorize. People prefer different handles and want to keep a look of a sports car or sports bike.

  • Being very gentle when it comes to touching the vehicle.

Men are called gentlemen it has got nothing to do with the gentle touch of the vehicle. Men are very cautious about any damage done to the vehicle. Not even a scratch of their nail should be seen on the car or bike. They touch the bike with so much of love absolutely no roughness especially when it is new and their first vehicle. Some men are very harsh on women they assault a women but when it come to some men they treat their bike and their girl equal with love, a gentle touch and affection.

  • Feeling the engine and connecting to it.

Men connect well with their bikes or cars. Often for them the pleasure is feeling the engine. Heard a lot of men like dads and brothers while they teach you to ride a certain vehicle often say feel the engineer hear it, feel it in your feet. This only helps them relate and connect to the vehicle. The way we know people by the noise of the footsteps for riders and passionate bikes it is the engine that is the recognition factor.

  • Taking the bike or car around wherever you go.

There is this certain kind of attachment when you have your own bike or car – Your very first vehicle. You want to flaunt it off and show it off. As much as you are proud of the amazing machine you also are proud of having it. You’re the owner. You’re the man.

  • Not sharing your bike with anyone.

People who love their vehicle do not share their vehicle with any one not because they are selfish and too proud of having a vehicle but because it is very dear to their heart. They fear that the vehicle will get damaged and the other person might not take care of it the way you do. Also it could be a gift from someone special or from your dearest daddy.

All these signs you see it in guys or men that are passionate about their bikes just like their babes 😉

Women on the other hand are considered bad drivers or horrible riders. Although not all women suck at driving or riding but just because of a few the entire women community are blamed. Most of the cars that women drive is either damaged or in a bad condition. The headlight is falling or the mud guard has come off funny when you see women get frustrated and worked up when the car suddenly stops in the middle of traffic and before she even tries to start the car there you go are people honking so loud that leads to frustration.

  • Carren B

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  1. This article just relates it to one of my bro who yet have his first he is sooo much attracted to it that if we ever think of selling it arguments take place…he is just crazy abut that car

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