Superlatives Of Life


There are some amazing superlatives of life one should be aware of. Here are the 25 superlatives of life you should know.

  1. WORRY- The most destructive habit. Worry is a feeling that creates a tension in the human brain. We worry about so many things in life. We worry about our work, college, career, achievements, goals, ambitions etc. but does worry solve any problem? Worry in fact is very destructive form of a habit that develops in the human mind. It is one of the most destructive and disastrous habit. We working youth often worry about deadlines and projects. Life says keep calm do not worry. But we do exactly the opposite and this worry leads to a messed up life. It thus becomes a habit indeed a very disastrous habit.


  1. The greatest joy –GIVING


The best thing in the world we all could practice is joy of giving.

The greatest joy is giving someone without expecting anything in return. We give so much to our friends, lovers, parents, children and neighbours and we feel contented. Have you ever tried giving food to the hungry? Water to the thirsty? Clothes to the naked?  You’re giving to someone who cannot give you anything in return except blessings. One of the best gifts you could ever get is blessing from parents, unknown strangers and the old.

  1. The greatest loss – LOSS OF SELF-RESPECT

Self-respect is something that we all have. It is the dignity that every individual must possess. Death is a massive loss. But the loss of self-respect is another loss that we as individuals would definitely regret never lose your self-respect for anyone. People will stoop so low and would do all the wrong things in life. You may get influenced and stoop low. Do not fall so low that one day when you look back you realise you have lost the most precious thing you could ever had. You carry your self-respect wherever you go. Everything can be on stake but never keep your self-respect on stake.

  1. The most satisfying work – HELPING OTHERS

Since childhood we are taught to help others. This habit is inculcated at home and in school. Similarly we do the same at college and work. But as we grow up we become so very selfish and we do not help others. We feel that person will grow and leave you behind. Understand that when you help others in need the other doesn’t forget what you have done and may someday help you. Helping someone in need is one of the most satisfying works one could do. You feel important that you are needed and you are of help to someone.

  1. The ugliest personality trait – SELFISHNESS

We all tend to call dark people or fat people or ill-mannered people ugly. But the worst and the ugliest trait a person can have in this personality is selfishness. Selfishness proves that you do not like sharing. You indeed tend to be more and more concerned about yourself and not others. Selfishness also is a part of being GREEDY.  We must be selfless and not selfish.

  1. The most endangered species – DEDICATED LEADERS

Dedicated leaders are those who really live up to their promises and responsibilities. They are very few in numbers. Often other people put them down. For instance, while working in an organization if you are under a team and all the members aren’t working and only you are the one who’s doing your job well, they try to convince you that it isn’t important and you don’t need to work hard just because they don’t want to work. If you get influenced then you are the loser and they win. There are very few leaders that are dedicated and want to work with determination and dedication.

  1. Our greatest natural resource – OUR YOUTH

Our youth is one of the best things we have. One should live your youth life to the fullest. Time doesn’t wait for anyone and so you can live your youth when you are in that phase, when you grow old you will miss it. Youth life is all about enthusiasm, excitement, big dreams, opportunities, love. They say if you haven’t lived your youth life you haven’t lived anything at all. We all want to grow up and start working but when we do we only miss the good old days while we were youth and the stuff that we did.


Encouragement often termed as motivation. Encouraging others is a sign of positive vibe. When you encourage or when you are being encouraged by anyone you feel good you feel that you can do something. Even the impossible seems possible. Nothing feels good than encouraging words.

  1. The greatest problem to overcome – FEAR

Fear one problem that almost everyone faces in life. We all have fears. We fear various things we fear death, water, heights. Phobia of water and heights could be solved only if you believe you can overcome it. Overcoming your fear is essential it is important else one day it may take away your life. We should do one thing every day that scares us.

  1. The most effective sleeping pill- PEACE OF MIND

Peace of Mind is important for the brain and the human body. When you are at peace only then can you really focus on important stuff and get a sound sleep. Peace of mind is a state when you get a good sound sleep. You have achieved everything if you have peace of mind.

  1. The most crippling failure disease- EXCUSES

Excuses we all give mind blowing excuses to people. Excuses are the sign of being irresponsible.

  1. The most powerful force in life – LOVE

Love is said to be the most powerful force and the most powerful weapon in life. Love can make everything possible.

Just as all these above 12 superlatives are some more superlatives that you could have a look at and reflect on them in your daily life.

  1. The most dangerous pariah – GOSSIP
  2. The world most incredible computer -THE BRAIN
  3. The worst thing to be without – HOPE
  4. The deadliest weapon- THE TOUNGE
  5. The two most power-filled words – ‘I CAN’
  6. The greatest asset – FAITH
  7. The most worthless emotion – SELF PITY
  8. The most beautiful attire – SMILE
  9. The most prized possession – INTEGRITY
  10. The most powerful channel of communication – PRAYER
  11. The most contagious spirit – ENTHUSIASM
  12. The most important thing is life- GOD
  13. The strongest emotion – HATRED





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