Deciding about your career options is as important as deciding what to wear. When a person loves what it is wearing then they automatically feel good about themselves and their confidence level goes up by a few notches. Likewise, your career decisions are extremely important as you already know. Your degree should make you feel confident and ready to take on the world. But it is also very important that you look deep inside and find out what exactly is it that you want to do.
Here are some unusual choices that you can take up for post graduate studies.
- Agri Business Managemen
Agri Business MBA is an upcoming specialization. In this MBA a student learns to manage companies which process, market, and merchandise agricultural products to consumers. The student must understand the management, marketing, and finance with an emphasis on specialized requirements of the agribusiness sector. Any graduate can pursue Agri business Management MBA.
- Health Care Management
An MBA in healthcare covers core business skills and practices. But it focuses on the specific issues managers may encounter in roles such as hospital administrators, medical practice managers, insurance-company executives and a wide variety of other roles. Any Graduates can pursue MBA in health care management.
- Rural Management
MBA in rural Management is a unique programme that is being offered to fulfill the huge industry demands for managers skilled in the field of marketing with a focus on rural businesses. There is immense growth potential in rural markets and increasing realization of this importance to Corporate and Development Organizations. Any graduate can apply for Rural Management MBA.
- Supply Chain Management
MBA in supply chain management is a unique and exciting opportunity in the field of business management. It includes inventory management, warehousing and transportation of various materials as required by a client or a company. Supply chain Management can be done by graduates of any stream.
- Information Technology
MBA in IT is designed to educate & develop managers who can effectively manage the planning, design, selection, implementation, usage & administration of emerging and converging information & communications technologies. IT graduates play essential roles on the business team, typically designing and implementing hardware and software solutions to business problems. Graduate in any stream can pursue MBA in IT.