Certificate course in Selling Skills & Personality development


BMS.co.in invites Students to enroll for the Sales Training course which is suitable for BMS students , who wish to take up career in Marketing or any other function related to customer dealing, including corporate sales.

EXCALIBUR ®  provides complete 360 degree sales consultancy , covering :

*Winning sales processes* Sales Recruitment & Training

* Direct marketing- B2B, B2C

* New Product launch & Leads management
*  Direct sales & DSA network management
* Sales Certification / Internship programs

‘ 4 weeks Certificate course in Selling Skills & Winning Sales Personality‘ .
This course is most suitable for front-line sales person who need to improve their selling skills , sales productivity and overall Winning sales processes. Fresh graduates interested in Sales Career, may also join this certificate course .

Objective of the program: To provide participants with a frame work for the Sales Process at a comprehensive level and to assess the participants ability to apply the learning’s of this program in a simulated environment.

Sales certificate course content : Winning sales personality Sales Communication skills Selling process v/s buying process Winning sales processes Direct sales and Retail sales
Selling Skills Certification offers a unique opportunity to get yourself certified as a Selling Skills Professional from experienced professionals associated with Excalibur sales management consulting .
Special discount of 15% for students and extra 5%, if registration is done in a group of 3 or more persons. 

Course Starts from 1st July 2011.

Contact –

Interested persons may call on 
Mobile: +91 7666566622
Tel: 022-42646262
Excalibur consulting ®
Mumbai office:
1503, Royal sands classic,
New Link road, Andheri (West),
Mumbai – 53 , India.

or send mail to  [email protected] , for registration /fees details.

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